An entire day spent staring at the computer screen working my behind off and for what?
For Photoshop to crash, take my previous save with it, and lose 5 hours worth of work, that's what.
So I just did the cover. I spent ages agonising over the colouring, but I've decided a bright and simple colour scheme works best (and will allow me to have at least a little bit of sleep while trying to get this finished)
Can't help but feel disappointed that I should have had at least double this amount of work done today, but on the other hand the more I look at the cover design the more I like it. I think it's the white details that do it :)
This will be a wrap-around cover. The face and title will be on the front, the fold is around the shoulder-area, and the rump and logo/URL/names are on the back. I particularly like how the title came out. I'm using neutral beige as a background, dark lineart and a lot of watercolour textures to link it back to traditional Asian art. I think my custom "font" (I'm using MS Paint to put the letters in order) works well.
Just the front cover: