Monday 9 April 2012

Rawhead and Bloody Bones

"Rawhead and Bloody Bones, Steals naughty children from their homes, Takes them to his dirty den, and they are never seen again."

A single image piece I've been working on. Though it is of a finished quality currently, I may still come back tot his piece and change a few things. This is the first piece I've ever done entirely digitally, with my new (and first) graphics tablet. Yay!

Bloody Bones is originally a British (or Irish) monster that has been adopted by American folklore, who lives either by water, in a cupboard, or in the pipes under the sink. He steals naughty children, or can turn them into dirt or spots of jam that their unknowing parents will clean away. He is variously described as a burn victim, a man covered in scabs, a boar with missing pieces of flesh, or any other ugly, deformed or disgusting description. I liked the idea of giving him a boar skull for a head, and I drew some celtic knots to tie back to his origins.