Saturday 14 January 2012

Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford. 1.

  The first few pages of the sketchbook I filled with observations for my Final Major Project. I will upload these in stages, as I DID fill an entire book and that, my friend, is a LOT of scanning. And my scanner isn't the smartest thing in the world. Plus I think it would be a little too much for Blogger to take, too.
  These are my favourite pages of the sketchbook, as I crammed as many drawings in there as I could, so the composition looks pretty cool. After these pages I realised that if I was ever to get the sketchbook filled I would have to stop doing that. I forced myself to draw straight into pen - very uncharacteristic of me, as I would usually spend ages with a pencil getting the proportions and detail just right. But there is so much stuff at the Pitt Rivers museum, and my focus here was not proportion and perspective, but rather seeing the distinctive shapes, colours and patterns of each culture to work into my project.

  More to come!