Saturday 28 January 2012

Creature Designs

I like the blank eye and the details around it. I love the ear. I like the high back and the small paws. I am not fond of the snout at all. I think it should be shorter. Quite creepy looking, which is good, as the story is a creepy one. Too creepy? I'm wondering if the eyes should be bigger?

 This version worked out very well, in my opinion. It is unique compared to the usual designs of the Tailypo creature. Combined features of a hyena, aardvark and alligator make a sort of bat-like appearance. I like the addition of the 'beard' on the chin, too. I will keep the hyena-style body with the high back and small hind quarters and then, obviously, a long tail. There is still potential to show the Cheshire Cat type grin with this design, but I'm planning on only showing that when the creature is about to attack near the end of the story. It was tempting to add antlers to the design, as in my rough sketch ont he original storyboard, but I decided this was too much.

 Colour test. Seeing if the method in the Copper tutorial works for my work. I was nervous about reducing hte lineart to purely black pixels with no anti aliasing, but it actually works quite well. Cross hatching complicates the process from what is described int he tutorial - it makes some areas impossible to select with the magic wand, but these can be painted seperately.