Saturday 28 January 2012

More Tailypo Character Designing

The face that worked well.

 I tried to tweak the style a little bit to see if I could come up with any results that I like, and that more suit the image I have in my head for the other outcomes. The first one looks... psychotic. But I liked the effect of circling the eyes for deep shadows, making him look tired and older. The second attempt came out very well. I like the proportion of the eyes to the head - if rounded eyes get too big they look very manga-ish, which isn't what I'm going for at all. The big nose suits him. He looks vaguely terrified, which is suitable too.
Here I was trying out shading with cross hatching and block shading. I like how the cross hatching experiment came out - it allows me to show more contours of his face without adding too many extra detailing lines, which would make him look far too old, and the face more complicated and harder to read. The block shading and cross hatching one works, but I don't think I would like to do an entire comic with it. I think it would work well for scenes with a prominent light source, for example cooking the rabbit on a fire, or scenes with high emotion, like when he is scared of the creature.

Facial hair style! The shape of the first beard is inspired by pieces by Charlene le Scanff. I think it works really well witht he style of the face. More detail can be added within the lines of the beard (I always love detail). The second one, as you may be able to tell by the fact it is not even finished, does not work so well in my opinion. I think it would have worked with the original styling of the face, but the way I have drawn it now, which I intend to keep, doesn't suit it. I might be able to combine the two: have the shape of the first one with the detailing of the second.