Wednesday 25 January 2012

"Tailypo" Initial Storyboard

My initial sketchy storyboards for Tailypo. In all, including the front and back covers and end pages it would be 20 pages. If I can cut this down to 16 (or less!) it would significantly improve my workload.

As it is..:

Page one: Shows the cabin in the woods. I like the idea of having a full page image here, in order to set the scene. Could get a lot of detail into it, too.

Pages two and three: Man and dogs, hungry, prepare to go out. In the woods, kills rabbit, cooks on fire, shares with dogs.

Pages four and five: Continue hunting, hear strange noises, curious, dogs growling, man gets nervous.

Pages six and seven: A double page spread of the creature. Another opportunity to put in a lot of detail, and end up with a beautiful image (hopefully).

Page eight: Man shoots, creature runs, leaves behind tail. Man returns to cabin.

Page nine: The tail cooking. Again, I think this would look great as a full page.

Pages ten and eleven: Night-time. The voice. Man sends out dogs, 2 return. I like the idea of having the speech bubbles for the voice come out of the panels.

Pages twelve and thirteen: Creature returns, dogs - twice more.

Pages fourteen and fifteen: Wait for dawn. Creature returns and attacks.

Page sixteen: The comic ends how it began - a full page scene in the woods, only this time only the chimney remains.

Plus 2 pages for end papers, and 2 pages for front and back cover. Last end page should have speech bubble on it.